Friday, April 26, 2024


Navigating Myrtle Beach plumbing issues can be daunting, but we’re here to simplify the process for you. While plumbing problems can range from minor inconveniences to major headaches, we’ve compiled answers to three of the most commonly asked questions to help you stay informed and prepared.

Top Myrtle Beach Plumbing Questions

Is it safe to use chemical drain cleaners?

In short, the answer is no. Chemical drain cleaners contain harmful toxins that pose risks to both your health and your Myrtle Beach plumbing system. These corrosive chemicals can weaken your pipes over time, leading to costly plumbing repairs and replacements.

Instead, opt for products containing friendly bacteria that help prevent buildup in your pipes. And if you encounter a clogged drain, it’s best to call in professionals to clear your drains without causing harm. Furthermore, taking preventative measures can help avoid clogs altogether.

If I have a severe water leak in my house, what should I do?

The first step is to locate your main water shut-off valve and immediately cut off the water supply to avoid further damage. Then, reach out to professional plumbers in Myrtle Beach to assess and resolve the issue promptly.

Myrtle-Beach-plumbing-2-300x200.jpgIt’s essential to ensure that everyone in your household knows the location of the main shut-off valve to mitigate potential disasters. Preparedness can save you time, money, and stress in emergency situations.

Why does our toilet keep running?

Often, a running toilet is caused by a malfunctioning flapper that fails to seal properly. This allows water to continuously leak into the bowl, preventing the tank from filling to its capacity and triggering the float to shut off the water supply. Simple solutions like jiggling the handle or manually closing the flapper may provide temporary relief.

However, persistent issues may require professional intervention, such as replacing the flapper or addressing underlying toilet problems. Regular plumbing maintenance in Myrtle Beach and prompt repairs can keep your Myrtle Beach plumbing system running smoothly.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. is here to help! Whether you have inquiries or encounter Myrtle Beach plumbing issues, feel free to reach out to us. Leave a comment or seek guidance from plumbing professionals. Remember to stay vigilant for signs of plumbing issues, such as leaks or unusual noises, and address them promptly to prevent further damage to your home.

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Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Maintaining your Myrtle Beach plumbing system is crucial for avoiding costly issues down the road. While it might be tempting to tackle plumbing problems on your own, some tasks are best left to the professionals. Here are seven common plumbing fixes that homeowners often attempt but shouldn’t:

Myrtle Beach Plumbing Tips

Constantly Backed Up Drains

It’s easy to think you can clear a clogged drain with chemicals or a snake; however, these DIY methods can sometimes do more harm than good. Therefore, hiring a professional with the right tools and expertise is the safest bet for resolving drainage issues.

Replacing a Toilet:

While replacing a toilet may seem straightforward, there are common pitfalls that DIYers often encounter, such as improper water line shut-off or sealing. Consequently, hiring a professional plumbing company in Myrtle Beach from the start can help avoid potential leaks and damage to your flooring.

water-heater-1-300x200.jpgWater Heater Replacement & Installation

Working with electricity, gas, and water during water heater installation can be dangerous for the inexperienced. Thus, professional plumbers in Myrtle Beach have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle these complex installations safely and efficiently.

Busted or Leaking Pipes

Locating and repairing a busted or leaking pipe requires specialized tools and expertise. Consequently, professional plumbers can quickly detect leaks and make repairs without causing unnecessary damage to your home.

Spigot Replacement

Replacing a spigot may seem simple, but hidden damage to the pipes behind the wall can complicate the process. Therefore, professional plumbers come prepared to handle any challenges that may arise during spigot replacement.

Installing a Full-Home Filtration System

Installing a filtration system that taps into your main plumbing line requires a thorough understanding of your home’s plumbing system. Consequently, hiring a licensed plumbing company like Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. ensures that your filtration system meets building codes and operates correctly.

Replacing Shower Valves

While replacing a shower valve may appear straightforward, it can be more complex than it seems. Consequently, improper installation can lead to issues like temperature control problems or water leaks. Therefore, leave this task to the professionals to ensure it’s done right.

When it comes to plumbing repairs and installations, it’s best to trust the experts. Hiring a professional plumbing company ensures that the job is done safely, efficiently, and correctly the first time.

For reliable Myrtle Beach plumbing services, contact a trusted plumbing company today! Call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. now!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Friday, April 19, 2024


Preparing to entertain guests during the holidays can be both exciting and stressful. Whether you’re hosting a big party or accommodating family members, having your plumbing in top shape is essential. The last thing you want is to deal with toilet clogs during your festive gatherings.

To avoid such mishaps and the need to call in a plumber in Myrtle Beach during the holiday rush, consider these simple tips to maintain the health of your toilet plumbing.

Tips To Prevent Toilet Clogs

Invest In Toilet Paper

Firstly, buy quality toilet paper. While cheaper brands may seem like a budget-friendly option, they often lead to more frequent clogs. Quality toilet paper dissolves easily, reducing the risk of blockages in your plumbing. Additionally, softer toilet paper tends to be more efficient, meaning your guests will use less of it, ultimately benefiting your toilet plumbing.

Plumbing Maintenance

Regular plumbing inspection in Myrtle Beach is also crucial. Schedule inspections with a plumber, especially before the holiday season, to identify any potential issues with your toilet plumbing. Addressing problems proactively can prevent unpleasant surprises when guests are over.

toilet-clogs-2-300x199.jpgPlace a garbage can next to the toilet to discourage guests from flushing items that could lead to clogs. Providing a convenient alternative for disposing of hygiene products, sanitizer wipes, and other non-flushable items can help maintain the integrity of your toilet plumbing.

Keep an eye on the space above your toilet as well. Objects stored above the toilet can accidentally fall into the bowl, causing blockages. Consider relocating smaller items to prevent them from inadvertently entering the plumbing system.

Keep A Plunger 

While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing solution, keeping a plunger visible and accessible can be a lifesaver in case of a clog. Guests will appreciate being able to address minor issues themselves, sparing both them and you from embarrassment.

Taking these preventative measures can minimize the risk of toilet clogs and ensure a smooth holiday season for you and your guests. However, if you encounter any plumbing issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in maintaining your home’s plumbing and keeping your holiday gatherings stress-free. If you need assistance with toilet clogs, contact Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. today. 

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Myrtle Beach plumbing issues can be a headache for any homeowner. While you can handle some minor repairs, larger projects often require professional expertise. Making mistakes in plumbing can not only be costly but can also lead to significant damage to your property. Let’s delve into some of the most common plumbing mistakes homeowners make and how to avoid them.

Neglecting Myrtle Beach Plumbing Codes and Regulations

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is not adhering to local plumbing codes and regulations. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in issues down the line and compromise the integrity of your plumbing system. Before undertaking any DIY plumbing projects, it’s essential to research and understand the local codes to ensure your work meets the required standards.

Using Improperly Sized Pipes

Choosing the wrong size pipes can lead to various problems, from frequent clogging to inadequate water flow. It’s crucial to understand the proper pipe measurements needed for your plumbing system before starting any repairs or installations. Incorrectly sized pipes can disrupt the functionality of your Myrtle Beach plumbing fixtures and cause long-term issues.

Mismatching Pipes

Attempting to connect pipes of different materials or sizes is another common mistake homeowners make. Using mismatched pipes can lead to corrosion and leaks, resulting in costly repairs. Always ensure that you use the right transition fittings when joining pipes to prevent compatibility issues and maintain the integrity of your Myrtle Beach plumbing system.

plumber-300x200.jpgOverusing Drain Cleaners

While commercial drain cleaners can be effective against certain clogs, overusing them can cause more harm than good. Excessive use of drain cleaners can lead to pipe corrosion and worsen the clog. Instead of relying solely on drain cleaners, consider seeking professional plumbing services in Myrtle Beach for tough clogs to avoid further damage to your pipes.

Forgetting Winter Myrtle Beach Plumbing Precautions

Leaving garden hoses connected to outdoor spigots during winter can lead to frozen pipes and potential flooding. It’s essential to disconnect garden hoses and shut off outdoor water sources before winter sets in to prevent costly water damage to your home.

Neglecting Threaded Joints

Threaded joints on Myrtle Beach plumbing fixtures should be properly sealed to prevent leaks. Neglecting to use plumbing tape and pipe compound on threaded joints can result in water leakage and damage. Ensure you seal all threaded joints adequately during installation to maintain a watertight plumbing system.

Failing to Level Fixtures

Proper installation of fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, is crucial for their functionality. Failing to level fixtures during installation can lead to water leakage and other issues. Take the time to ensure all fixtures are properly aligned and leveled to avoid future plumbing problems.

Not Flushing Water Lines

When turning the water back on after maintenance, it’s essential to flush all fixtures to remove air and debris from the lines. Failure to flush water lines can result in poor water quality and potential damage to your plumbing system. Take the necessary steps to flush water lines systematically to maintain optimal water flow and quality.

Rushing  Myrtle Beach Plumbing Repairs

Attempting to fix plumbing problems hastily can often lead to incomplete repairs and further damage. It’s essential to approach plumbing repairs with patience and attention to detail. Rushing plumbing repairs can result in costly mistakes that could have been avoided with proper care and attention.

In conclusion, homeowners can prevent many plumbing problems by being vigilant and proactive in their maintenance efforts. Knowing when to seek professional Myrtle Beach plumbing services and avoiding common mistakes can help homeowners maintain a functional and efficient plumbing system.

When facing plumbing issues, it’s crucial to seek professional help to ensure the problem is addressed effectively. Contact a trusted plumbing service provider like Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. today for expert assistance in maintaining your plumbing system and avoiding costly repairs down the line.

Call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. now and let the expert plumbers in Myrtle Beach handle your plumbing problems.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


No one wants to start their day with a clogged drain; turning a refreshing shower into a frustrating ordeal. When faced with this common household issue, it’s tempting to reach for a quick fix like store-bought drain cleaners. However, while these products promise convenience, they often come with hidden dangers and long-term consequences that can make the situation worse.

The Risks of Chemical Drain Cleaners

Store-bought drain cleaners contain highly caustic chemicals that can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. Ingredients like sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate, and aluminum are not only harmful to your pipes but also pose risks to your health and the environment. When these chemicals mix inside your pipes, they can generate intense heat, potentially causing damage and corrosion over time.

Moreover, if you have PVC pipes or older plumbing systems, the corrosive nature of these cleaners can exacerbate existing issues and lead to costly plumbing repairs in Myrtle Beach down the line. Even using other cleaning products after using drain cleaners can trigger dangerous chemical reactions, further complicating matters.

Environmental Impact

Pouring chemical drain cleaners down your pipes doesn’t just affect your home—it also harms the environment. These toxic substances end up in our water systems, contaminating rivers, lakes, and oceans, and posing risks to aquatic life and ecosystems. Additionally, the disposal of empty cleaner bottles can contribute to soil pollution, creating a ripple effect of environmental damage.

plumbing-2-2-300x200.jpgHealth Hazards

In addition to damaging your pipes and the environment, store-bought drain cleaners in Myrtle Beach pose significant health risks to you, your family, and your pets. Exposure to these chemicals can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and other adverse reactions. Small children and pets are particularly vulnerable, as accidental ingestion or contact can result in serious injuries or poisoning.

What to Do Instead

When faced with a clogged drain, consider safer alternatives before resorting to chemical cleaners. Methods like using baking soda or a plunger can often effectively break up minor clogs without causing harm to your plumbing or the environment. If DIY methods prove ineffective, it’s best to call a professional plumber to assess the situation and provide expert solutions.

Don’t risk the health of your plumbing, your family, or the environment by using store-bought drain cleaners. Choose safer alternatives and rely on experienced professional residential plumbers to handle your plumbing needs.

If you’re dealing with a stubborn clog or plumbing issue, don’t hesitate to contact for reliable assistance. Let us help you deal with drain cleaners and keep your home’s plumbing system running smoothly and safely. Call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. now. 

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Friday, April 12, 2024


Copper and PEX pipes stand out as two prominent choices in the realm of plumbing materials. With a rich history dating back thousands of years, copper has long been favored for its durability and reliability.

In contrast, PEX, a more recent innovation, offers flexibility and ease of installation. Understanding the differences between these two materials is crucial for making informed decisions about plumbing projects. Let’s delve deeper into the nuances of PEX vs. copper pipes.

Copper Piping

Copper tubing has been a staple in plumbing systems in Myrtle Beach for decades, renowned for its resilience and longevity. Available in various grades such as M, L, and K, copper tubing boasts versatility in application. Its rigid structure makes it ideal for water lines, while annealing processes render it ductile for bending as needed.

PEX Piping

PEX, short for cross-linked polyethylene, represents a newer entrant in the plumbing arena, gaining popularity for its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Unlike copper, PEX offers greater ease of installation, particularly in tight spaces, thanks to its pliable nature.

Comparing Plumbing Essentials: Copper Vs. PEX

Building Codes:

While copper has long enjoyed federal and state approval for plumbing applications, PEX has gradually gained acceptance in building codes, albeit with variations across local ordinances.


With copper prices on the rise due to increased demand and supply constraints, PEX emerges as a more economical alternative, particularly for large-scale plumbing projects.



While copper pipes boast greater longevity with proper Myrtle Beach plumbing maintenance, modern PEX pipes can last upwards of 50 years, making them a viable long-term solution.

Installation Time:

PEX shines in terms of installation efficiency, reducing labor costs and time compared to copper pipes, which require additional connections and fittings.


PEX’s flexibility allows for easier maneuverability during installation, minimizing the need for complex fittings and reducing the risk of failure points.

Temperature Resistance:

While copper exhibits higher thermal conductivity, PEX offers superior resistance to freezing and bursting, making it suitable for various climates.

Corrosion and Scale Buildup:

Copper pipes are susceptible to corrosion and scale buildup, necessitating additional precautions during installation. In contrast, PEX remains unaffected by such issues.

UV Resistance:

PEX’s vulnerability to UV degradation limits its outdoor usage, whereas copper pipes are generally deemed suitable for exterior applications.

Chlorine Sensitivity:

Both copper and PEX pipes may be impacted by chlorine in water supplies, although advancements in PEX manufacturing have mitigated this concern.


While copper is recyclable, the environmental impact of its mining and processing raises sustainability questions. PEX offers a lower environmental footprint and reduces demand for copper.

Resale Value:

Copper piping historically influenced resale value positively, while PEX’s impact remains relatively neutral in today’s market.

In the ongoing debate between PEX and copper pipes, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each material presents unique advantages and considerations based on specific project requirements and environmental factors. Consulting with a plumber can provide invaluable insights to determine the most suitable option for your plumbing needs.

Whether opting for the time-tested durability of copper or the modern convenience of PEX, understanding the nuances of each material empowers homeowners to make informed decisions and ensure the longevity and efficiency of their plumbing systems.

Call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. now and let our team of plumbers help you with your needs. Whether it’s repair, maintenance, or installation, we are here to help.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


When it comes to finding a trustworthy Myrtle Beach plumber, the process can feel daunting. We’ve all heard horror stories from friends or family about hiring unreliable individuals who only made their plumbing issues worse. So, how can you ensure that the plumber you hire is responsible and dependable enough for the job? Here are some key qualities to look for:

Tips When Looking For A Myrtle Beach Plumber

Neat and Tidy Workmanship

First and foremost, a professional Myrtle Beach plumber should not leave behind a mess. Unlike children who tend to leave chaos in their wake, a reliable plumber should maintain cleanliness throughout their work. From the moment they step into your home, they should be organized and diligent, ensuring that any debris or waste generated during the repair or renovation is promptly disposed of. After all, if they don’t take pride in their appearance, how can you trust them to take pride in their work?


Myrtle-Beach-plumber-1-300x200.jpgWhen you schedule an appointment with a plumber, timeliness is crucial. While delays can occasionally occur, a responsible plumber will communicate any issues and provide you with an updated arrival time. Respect for your time and commitment to customer satisfaction are hallmarks of a dependable residential plumber in Myrtle Beach. After all, your time is valuable, and a professional understands and respects that.

Proficiency with Tools

A skilled Myrtle Beach  plumber is equipped to handle a variety of plumbing issues and knows which tools are necessary for each job. They arrive prepared with the appropriate tools and parts, ensuring efficient and effective plumbing repairs. If a plumber appears ill-equipped or struggles to complete tasks due to a lack of proper tools, it may be a red flag indicating their incompetence.

Offering Warranty

A reputable plumber stands behind their work and offers a warranty to guarantee the quality of their service. Any repairs, installations, or maintenance should come with a written warranty, providing you with peace of mind and assurance. If a plumber is hesitant to offer a warranty or fails to back up their workmanship, it may be best to seek assistance elsewhere.

In conclusion, when seeking a reliable plumber, prioritize qualities such as cleanliness, punctuality, proficiency with tools, and warranty offerings. These attributes are indicative of a plumber’s professionalism and commitment to providing high-quality service. By keeping these qualities in mind, you can make an informed decision when selecting a plumber in Myrtle Beach for your home or office needs.

Do you need reliable Myrtle Beach plumber? Contact Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. today for assistance with any plumbing problems you may encounter.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor