Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What Is The Right Water Pressure For Your Home?

plumbing-4-300x200.jpgIn terms of water pressure, what someone thinks as enough may be considered only as a trickle to somebody else. Since opinions differ from one person to another, you have to determine the adequacy of the water pressure in a certain definitive way. This applies to a working home inspector. In case a client asks why the inspector didn’t say something about the low or high water pressure of the plumbing system, then you should have it documented on the water pressure reading.

Plumbing Checkup: Use Water Pressure Gauges

Water pressure gauges are practical tools that are easy to use, certainly, not out of the reach of homeowners in terms of the expertise or the cost needed to use them correctly. As a matter of fact, these gauges could be bought at any local hardware store. When you have the device, you may wonder what readings you are searching for. The normal pressure range between 40 and 80 PSI. Screw the gauge on the outside faucet as it is the best place to get the reading. However, the faucet or hosebibb is plumbed in even before the installation of a pressure reducer and in that case, there is going to be a high reading on the gauge. Because of this, whenever a hosebibb provides a high reading, you should try to get another reading like attaching the gauge to the faucet where the washing machine is connected. The washing machine faucet is commonly located inside the house or generally has similar threads as the pressure gauge. In case the reading remains high, you have confirmed the problem because the washing machine is among the appliances that you are trying to protect from damages that may have been caused by high water pressure. You also have the option to hire a professional plumber to assist you.

Plumbing Checkup: Multi Flow Test

If you are interested in a home that has a reading of under 50 PSI, be sure to check the house and see if you like the water pressure. In case the person buying the house doesn’t have a pressure gauge, or perhaps is wondering if he or she is going to be satisfied with the water pressure. In case the person doesn’t have a pressure gauge on hand, or is wondering if he or she will like the water pressure, then a conventional multi flow test can be performed. Get the washing machine or dishwasher running and then switch on the shower and at least two sinks. Do this on every floor and you will get a good idea of the sufficiency of the water pressure of the Myrtle Beach plumbing system and how it will affect you and your family.

Whether it be issues with water pressure, clogs, or you require a new installation, call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC if you need help with your plumbing system.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC 4201 Carolina Exchange Drive Suite 202 Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 (843) 267-9733

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