Tuesday, February 6, 2024


clogged drain is a common problem in homes. If you notice that water is slow to go down the drain or if it gets stuck, fixing it can be as easy as using a tool to unclog it. But if you keep facing this issue over and over again, it’s time to think about what might be causing it.

Frequent drain blockages usually mean that you’re not taking good care of your drains. The good news is that you can easily prevent these problems once you understand why drains get blocked.

Reasons Behind Clogged Drain

You Pour Grease Down the Drain

The most common reason for a clogged sink is grease. Grease is liquid when it’s hot, but as it cools down, it turns into a solid. This can be bad news for your drains. Even simple things like frying bacon and then washing the pan can lead to a clogged drain. Grease can stick to other food bits and create a tough blockage that’s hard to remove.

To avoid this problem, make it a habit to collect grease before it goes down your sink. If you cook foods that produce liquid grease, try pouring it into a heatproof container before washing the pan. When grease hardens, scrape it off your pans with a spatula. Also, remember to wipe dishes clean of any leftover grease.

You Flush Non-Toilet Items

Some people think they can flush all sorts of things down the toilet, but that’s not the case. Only toilet paper and human waste should go down your toilet. “Flushable” wipes can technically be flushed, but they don’t break down like toilet paper. Over time, they accumulate and create blockages. Flushable wipes have become a common cause of a clogged drain.

Tampons can also be a problem. While they might fit down the toilet drain, they don’t break down easily and can stick around in your pipes, causing clogs.

drain-cleaning-1-1-300x200.jpgHair Is Going Down the Drain

Hair often clogs bathroom sinks and showers. It tends to tangle up and trap more hair, leading to a complete blockage. This problem is more common in households where people have long hair, but even small hairs from shaving can cause issues.

To prevent these clogs, avoid letting hair go down the drain intentionally. However, some hair will inevitably fall out during showers or baths. If this keeps happening, consider using a hair catcher, a device that fits over your drain and stops hair from entering your pipes.

Your Outdoor Plants Are Causing Problems

Another common cause of a clogged drain that people might not be aware of is tree or plant roots. Plants can be surprisingly persistent. When they sense moisture, they send tiny roots towards pipes. Over time, these roots can grow bigger and bigger inside your pipes. Eventually, they can create a big problem for homeowners.

Some people use chemicals to kill roots in their drains, but these chemicals can be harmful to the environment and may not be allowed in certain areas. If you have a septic system, these chemicals can also harm the beneficial bacteria in the tank. It’s better to have regular drain inspections to remove roots before they become a problem.

Random Items Are Being Flushed Down the Toilet

If you have kids or pets, you might find unexpected objects in your toilet that can cause clogs. Small toys, makeup, coins, and other items can end up in the toilet out of curiosity. Even if these items seem small enough to go down the drain, they can get stuck in tight spots and accumulate debris, leading to clogs.

Many parents find it helpful to talk to their children about not putting anything in the toilet. If the problem persists, consider putting a lock on the toilet lid to childproof it.

plumbing-2-7-300x200.jpgYour Pipes Are Too Narrow

When your pipes are too narrow, it’s easier for clogs to form. In older homes, builders might have used pipes that are too small for the current needs of the homeowners. Sometimes, narrow pipes result from corrosion. Over time, minerals in the water react with the inside of the pipes, creating a buildup called pipe scale. This gradually narrows the pipes until they’re too small for proper drainage.

To prevent clogs in narrow pipes, you may need to replace them with larger ones. There’s no quick fix for this issue.

Food Is Going Down Your Drains

If you’re dealing with a clog in your kitchen sink, food might be the culprit. Even tiny food particles that go down the kitchen sink can block your drain. Fibrous foods like spinach or potato peelings and sticky, starchy items like bread can be common culprits.

To prevent these clogs, be cautious and scrape all dishes into the garbage can. Consider using a sink filter to catch debris. If you have a garbage disposal, use it carefully. While it can help prevent food clogs, it’s not foolproof. Only use it for foods that break down easily, and run plenty of water while using it.

Incorrect Design May Lead To A Clogged Drain

Drain lines should slope in a way that allows water to flow away from your home. If they’re tilted the wrong way or have tight bends, water can flow slowly or pool in certain spots. This can lead to solid waste buildup and create clogs.

Poor drain design is often the cause of recurring clogs in homes. To permanently solve this problem, you may need to replace or reconfigure problematic pipes. By redesigning your drain system to meet modern building codes, you can prevent many clogs.

With these tips, it’s easier to keep your drains clear. If you continue to have plumbing issues, consider seeking the help of a professional plumber in Myrtle Beach. We’re here to assist you with a wide range of plumbing services.

To schedule a service visit, get in touch with us today! Call Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC. now and let our plumbers fix your clogged drain.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about services.

Blue Ribbon Plumbing LLC.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(843) 267-9733

Serving all of Horry County including Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachLittle RiverMurrells Inlet/Garden CitySurfside BeachCarolina Forest/ForestbrookConway/Aynor

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